So, I managed to find some udon noodles in the university's shop (I love that place, so much oriental food!). I also happened to have my special nabe saucepan, so I thought I'll make nabe!
To my amazement, I also managed to find a large, white radish, which is usually used in nabe. It was under the name of "mooli" in Tesco, but I know it as daikon. Nevertheless, that meant I'd be able to make a pretty convincing nabe, at least by my estimation.
Here's what I ended up using:
-1/4 of a mooli
-1/4 of a romaine lettuce
-handful of beansprouts
-2 carrots
-4 slices of bacon
-1 pack of udon
-a small pack of tofu
I figure thats about enough for 2 people, but I didn't have lunch, so I was particularly hungry. Although, you might want to consider adding a pack of udon.
So, here's pretty much how it went:
-I peeled the mooli and cut a few slices about 3/4 of a cm thick, and I peeled and cut 2 carrots, not into slices, but into wedges, because I like it to be thick, but find wedges easier to pick up*. Once cut, these all went into half a pan of water and put on full heat while I prepared everything else (I find it best to put these in first because they take a long while to cook).
-next, I chucked a few slices of bacon in (I should point out that proper pork is a better meat to use if you can cut it thin enough, but I'm too lazy for that, especially since I'm just cooking for myself)
-while all of that bubbled away, I cut some tofu into 8, approximately 1cm, blocks and chucked it into the pot along with some beansprouts
-at this point, I cut up some mushrooms. You can cut them up quite thick and chuck them in straight away, or cut them thin and add them a few minutes before serving *2.
-it was going to be a little while until the mooli were soft enough, so I used this time to make the sauce. I pretty much improvised here, as I don't know the actual recipe, but for a refreshingly sour sauce I added soy sauce, vinegar and lemon juice together.The main constituant was soy sauce, and there was probably about equal amounts of vinegar and lemon juice. The sauce shouldn't taste overly lemony, vinegary or too much of soy sauce. The best thing to do is just make it and see how it tastes. It will be pretty strong, and might even necessitate diluting somewhat, depending on how you like it.
-OK, with the sauce done and the mooli now soft enough to skewer with a chopstick with little resistance, I chopped some romain lettuce into quarters. I took just one of these quarters and cut it in half lengthwise before dumping it together with the udon noodles in the pan. You can add a tablespoonful or so of the sauce to the pan too.
-from putting in the udon and lettuce, I waited about 3-4 minutes before taking the pan off the heat.
-So far as serving up goes, I just placed the pan on a heat-resistant placemat. Then, with sauce in a seperate bowl, transfered food from the pan into the bowl, and ate from that.
Mmmm. Lovely. Another note, when you have eaten everything, and only water remains in the pan, you can add that water to the sauce-filled bowl you've just eaten from and then drink it. Dunno if that's everyone's cup of tea, but I think its a great way to finish off the meal, as well as making sure you don't waste a scrap.
*Back when I was in Japan, my fiancée somehow managed to cut a piece of carrot so it ended up almost perfectly round. Don't ask how the hell she did it, but it was a real b***h to pick up with chopsticks
*2) My fiancée told me afterwards that it was a little strange to use mushrooms at all, but I think they taste good, and there are a number of versions of nabe that use mushrooms